Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Be Grateful!

I have a relative with some health problems, and I've been feeling down because of some of the things this relative is unable to do any longer (speech, for one thing). However, we were at the specialist the other day and we saw an individual who had no function in his arms at all! I thought very hard about how my relative would feel if that had happened by now.

My point is that things happen that give you a new perspective on your problems, and this certainly did. I need to quit dwelling on the things my relative cannot do and concentrate on helping this person keep doing what can be done. I am very grateful for this insight. 

Remember: no matter how bad things are, they could always be worse. I will choose to deal with things as they are and quit whining about how things will be later, because I can be the most help right now. We'll deal with "later" when it comes.


nothoughtsnoprayersnonothing said...

There is nothing wrong or unusual to feel down especially when it involves someone we love. It would be even sadder if you didn't feel that way. No one is immune to situations that make us feel hopeless and helpless. When we do encounter others with perceived worse problems, we are grateful for what we must face and we become stronger. We do get a new perspective and new strength. It helps us become better caregivers.

But I wouldn't cut out the whining!

Have a little whine
With a little glass of wine

Take a little walk
Give yourself a little talk

You might even try
To have a little cry

Then write in your blog
A little dialogue

Meemaw said...


nothoughtsnoprayersnonothing said...

Another new background. Is this a photo of yours? I haven't tried any other themes. Afraid to try. I would probably mess up what I have.
I changed my comments back to embedded. I didn't like the pop up one. I didn't like the way I couldn't reply directly to someone.

Chris Lally said...

A good reminder! A few weeks ago, a friend was making lunch for her husband. She suddenly grabbed her chest and was dead before she hit the floor. Yes, things can always be worse...

Happy Halloween!